Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day... My Mom Loves Me!

Today's a big day for me and Daddy. We get to celebrate Mother's Day, and my mommy loves me so much. Wanna know how I can tell?

1. She feeds me.... kind of. You see, we had a little accident. My mommy is so good because she feeds every morning when we wake up and every night when she gets home But, she accidently read the dog food bag wrong, and she was only giving me enough food for a toy puppy... A TOY PUPPY! What kind of dog does she think I am...a chihuahua?!? Anyway, she's started to give me more food now, and my belly gets so full... time for a nap. :)

2. She gives me snacks every day. I love me some Beggin' Strips!

3. We play with my tennis ball over and over and over again. Sometmes, I don't think she can get enough play time, because she always takes it away from me to throw it. Then I have to go and get it. It makes me tired, but it sure is fun!

4. She takes me to see my Nanny and my Cici. I love them too, and I get to see both of them today.

Oops, I gotta go, my mom's coming. I don't want her to read this before it gets posted. Gotta go...

1 comment:

Caylin said...

I cannot believe you started a blog for your dog. What.A.Nerd. Love you though :)