Thursday, May 22, 2008

They call me Houdini

I don't like my kennel. It's true. No secret there. So, today I decided to do a lil' sumthin' sumthin' about it...

Here's their re-creation of the fateful event... all caught on film. :|

The saying "the grass is always greener" can only be true if you add: "Until Mom and Dad get home!" Needless to say, they weren't too happy with me... guess I won't be getting any Beggin' Strips for a while.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

This is how I get what I want.

Mom, Dad and me were sitting around playin' on the floor tonight. Lucky for me Mom left her cup of icy, cold, yummy water on the floor. She's started giving me ice cubes as treats, and I love playing with them! Her water was like a cup o' fun. It had soooo many ice cubes, I just had to have them.

So, I walked up put my paw on the cup, tipped it over and went to town. They didn't even get mad... they just laughed. Maybe I can get away with this stuff more often... he he he. ;)

Friday, May 16, 2008

New Tricks, Plus Time to Meet Mom & Dad

I've learned two new tricks everybody! Some might call it lazy. I just call it genius. I may be only 11 weeks old, but I think I'm advanced for my age. Check this out:

That's right, I've mastered laying down and drinking my water! It's rough lyin' around all day. I've gotta preserve my energy somehow. Not impressed? I can do it with my dog food, too.

And, The evil eye is now my specialty. Tell me that ain't good?

I also figure it's time for you to meet dear ol' Mom & Pops. We've made nice since my last post, so I figured I'd give 'em their 15 minutes of fame... even though they only deserve five after that last stunt they pulled.

Here's Mom. This was on the night of the bath. How on earth can she be so happy, when I've clearly been violated by what she calls "shampoo." Whatever that is...

Here's Me and Pops. He's pretty cool. This was the first day they brought me to my forever home. I was really tired.

And, here they both are. This is the kind of shenanigans I have to put up with on a regular basis. I know, I know! You feel my pain.

P.S. In case you all were wondering, I've outsmarted Mom, Dad, and their evil bath time schemes. I've got dirt between my toes, and pretty good stink that should be ripe in a couple days! He he he. :)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Bath Time... Another Addition to the "Bad Things I Hate" List

So, I've been with my people for two weeks now. Guess how many baths I've had to suffer through? Three.. that's right, THREE! You can bet your Milkbone, I'm gonna be updating my "Bad Things I Hate List" as soon as my squeaky clean little paw can hit "publish post."

The photos below are evidence enough of the terrible things my people do! Oh, the torture! I can't look anymore. I'm done with this... time to go dig in Mom's flower bed. Pay back's a .... dirty dog!

It's only beginning!

The true torture revealed!

At least I'm not in the water anymore...

Clearly, not happy!

At least I got a Beggin' Strip out of the deal. I guess I'll accept...

Trip to CiCi's, Met My First Baby

Hello! We made a trip out to my CiCi's on Sunday, and I had the BEST time! I got to see Duke and Toby, but they weren't very nice to me this time. I don't know why? They're probably just jealous! ;)

I got to run around and play. But, the most important news is that I got to meet Cousin Campbell. And Mom and Dad told me I was such a good boy. I don't know what I did different. I just gave her kisses and rolled on back for a belly scratch like I always do. She's a lot tinier than my people though. I wonder if she's a baby like me?

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day... My Mom Loves Me!

Today's a big day for me and Daddy. We get to celebrate Mother's Day, and my mommy loves me so much. Wanna know how I can tell?

1. She feeds me.... kind of. You see, we had a little accident. My mommy is so good because she feeds every morning when we wake up and every night when she gets home But, she accidently read the dog food bag wrong, and she was only giving me enough food for a toy puppy... A TOY PUPPY! What kind of dog does she think I am...a chihuahua?!? Anyway, she's started to give me more food now, and my belly gets so full... time for a nap. :)

2. She gives me snacks every day. I love me some Beggin' Strips!

3. We play with my tennis ball over and over and over again. Sometmes, I don't think she can get enough play time, because she always takes it away from me to throw it. Then I have to go and get it. It makes me tired, but it sure is fun!

4. She takes me to see my Nanny and my Cici. I love them too, and I get to see both of them today.

Oops, I gotta go, my mom's coming. I don't want her to read this before it gets posted. Gotta go...